Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos: End of Year Mamo Chant Recitations (Online Only)

February 19th (2023)

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Typically, in Shambhala tradition the Mamo chants are done in the ten days before Shambhala Day. These chants are meant to help pacify the ‘mamos’, or those entities that cause turmoil in our lives which tend to be especially problematic in the period leading up to Shambhala Day.

These online chants sessions are open to any meditators at any level.

If you have a copy of the Mamo chants, please bring them to the session; if you don’t have a copy, no problem, you can simply listen and take part in that way. For those with other chants, please bring your protector chants as well to the session.


The session will begin and end with ten minutes of sitting meditation. In between, we will do the Protector Chants and the Mamo Chants a number of times.

Here is the zoom link for the February 19 session.

There is no fee for this event but donations to OSMC would be greatly appreciated.