Nyinthun to Celebrate Shambhala Day - Year of the Water Rabbit! (In Person Only)

February 21st (2023)

Date details +
  • Suggested Donation $50

Join us on this very special day to bring in the New Year, Year of the Water Rabbit with lots of sitting practice, a special Shambhala Day broadcast from Shambhala Global, and a potluck lunch. 

A nyinthün is open to all and people with all levels of practice experience are welcome. A nyinthün is a group practice of sitting and walking meditation. (Nyin is Tibetan for “day”, and thün means “session” of formal meditation.)

The Power of Group Meditation
The group practice of Nyinthün is a special opportunity to extend and deepen one’s meditation. Being supported by the energy of group practice helps us to stay with the practice in a uplifted and supportive environment. The deepening of our personal practice afforded by Nyinthün in turn gives momentum to our regular daily practice.

Colin, Centre Director, will open our morning session with opening chants and Mark, Director of Practice and Education, will lead the afternoon session with the Sadhana of Mahamudra practice. Participants are welcome to join us for the morning or afternoon, or both! 

Meditation practice is always free, but donations are very welcome.


10am-12pm - Opening Chants and sitting / walking practice
12-1pm - Potluck lunch - please bring a nut and seed free dish to share!
1-2pm - Shambhala International Broadcast and Talk (Barbara Martens will lead community practice and there will be musical and other artistic offerings.) 
2-4pm - Sadhana of Mahamudra and sitting/walking practice

 See you then!



We do not offer first time meditation instruction during this program. For meditation instruction, please join our Wednesday "Learn to Meditate" Open House

Shambhala Day is traditionally a day of fundraising. With this in mind, we suggest a donation of $50 when you register using the button below.

Please remember that your potluck dish should not iclude seeds, nuts, peanuts, or chickpeas, due to allergies.