
May 21st—June 25th (2019)

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  • $110 Program Price
  • $130 Patron Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

Have you ever wondered about karma?  How it works? What is good karma? What is bad karma?
In this course, we will explore the Buddhist teachings on karma. We will clarify popular interpretations on the subject. We will delve into the realms of existence and the wheel of life as well as duality, ego and spiritual materialism. We will also attempt to answer questions such as: 'Are we fated to be subservient to karma?' and 'How do we break this bond?'

Since the path of meditation and awareness, is closely linked to the activity of karma, the practice of meditation will be an integral part of the course. Active participation in various exercises and discussions will be encouraged.

 This is not a “book class” and there will be no required readings. But if you are interested, the course will be based on The Future Is Open by Chogyam Trungpa, Shambhala Publications, 1978.

 This course has sufficient registration and will definitely proceed!