Miksang I - Introduction to Contemplative Photography

February 27th—March 27th (2022)

Date details +
  • $150 Program Price
  • $175 Patron Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

These five Sunday evening online workshops introduce the practice of contemplative photography. The course includes instruction, teaching, assignments and image reviews.

When eye, heart and world are in the same place at the same time your seeing is clear and intimate and your images are strong and vivid.

This workshop offers a window on a new way of seeing our everyday world. We learn to recognize our fresh perceptions, so we can stay with the perception. Still and calm. not being swayed by the winds of conceptual thinking and the reasoning mind. We feel what we see and act upon the vivid experience of perception instead of what we think or associate about what we see. Something out of the blue comes to us, we let it in, fully, we connect fully and then we express our experience of seeing directly and vividly with our cameras.

Pre-Requisite: None
All levels of photographic experience are welcome. Participants can use a digital or a smartphone.  (Times are EST & EDT at March 13)

The Nalanda Miksang contemplative photography teachings are directly based on the Dharma Art and Shambhala teachings of Chogyam Trungpa.  

Tejumo Ogouma is a contemplative artist whose practices focus on Miksang (contemplative photography in the Nalanda tradition), and Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging). His professional interests include conflict resolution, and coaching. He lives and works in Ottawa.