Nyinthun - Spring Renewal

May 5th (2019)

Date details +
  • $15 Program Price
  • $25 Patron Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

Spring is an occasion to invigorate our sitting practice by attending a full day of group meditation practice.  A day spent in functional silence.

The program starts at 9:00 am and the day will include, periods of sitting meditation interspersed with walking meditation, shamatha yoga, short readings and contemplation sessions.

At noon we'll have lunch in the meditation room and resume sitting at 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm.

Although nyinthun is best experienced in its entirety, people are free to arrive and leave at any time.
A light lunch will be served for those registered for the full day.
Prerequisite: Basic Meditation Instruction

Price: $15
Please register by May 1st.