September 30th (2017)

Date details +
  • $25 Program Price
  • $40 for 2 parents

What is the view of families and children in Shambhala. As a community, how can we support families and children? 
Parenting is an especially deep and rewarding path to waking up, particularly when enriched by the wisdom of our teachings. Join us for an exploration of this rich offering.

Parenting as Path is part of the online program Growing Brave, that will culminate in a physical conference at the Boulder Shambhala Center, October 6-9, 2017.

Teacher Acharya David Schneider is a long time student of the Shambhala tradition, a senior teacher, a father, and an author. He has served as Director of Shambhala Europe and played an integral role in many children's programs in Europe, especially Rites of Passage.

Price: 25$ (single) or 40$ for 2 parents (free for the kids).

Children are welcomed! They will participate at the beginning of the session with Acharya Schneider.  Child care is provided after.  The children will be invited to talk and draw upon the topic.