Doing the Right Thing: Wisdom in Chaotic Times

27 avril (2018)

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  • $20 Program Price
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Is it naïve to think in terms of “doing the right thing?” What about an education intended to “build character?” And above all, is it really so hopeless to think in terms of “telling the truth?” Are these values just intended for our children--to be outgrown later in life--in the harsh glare of “reality?”

Shambhala culture is based on universal human strengths, accessible to anyone regardless of race, status or economics. In this age of chaos, these values are more critical than ever.

Registration starts at 7 pm.  OPEN to ALL

Acharya Richard John

A long-time friend and teacher of the Ottawa Shambhala Center, Acharya John was an early student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He was appointed acharya by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, and for many years has taught Shambhala Buddhist programs in the US, Canada, and internationally. He completed the first three-year group retreat at Gampo Abbey, and now teaches full time. Acharya John and his wife Liz reside in Halifax, Nova Scotia.