28 avril—02 mai (2018)

Date details +
  • $500 Program Price
  • $350 Weekend only
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

Material cost approximately $20

This retreat will be structured according to the Ashe Mahamudra, a profound practice liturgy by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. The practice aligns the traditional investigation and pointing out instructions of mahamudra and trekcho with the wisdom of Ashe and the path of the Four Dignities. For those who have not received it, the lung for the practice will be given during the first weekend of the retreat.

Mahamudra, the "great seal,” is among the most profound streams of teaching and practice of Vajrayana Buddhism. Revered as a powerful support for all other tantric practices, it is also extremely simple and direct, focused on recognizing and gaining confidence in the true nature of mind through direct experience.

This retreat is restricted to Shambhala tantrikas who have attended Sacred World Assembly or Vajrayana Seminary. First-time participants must begin at the beginning and are requested to commit to the entire five-day retreat.

 Acharya Richard John, an early student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, was appointed as an acharya by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. For many years he has taught Shambhala Buddhist programs in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico, and Chile. Having completed the first Three-Year Retreat at Gampo Abbey, he now leads annual Mahamudra Retreats at Shambhala Mountain Center, Dorje Denma Ling, and Casa Werma in Mexico.

Information: Suzanne Schecter Côté, [email protected]