Chariot of Mahamudra

26 avril—28 avril (2019)

Date details +
  • $225 Program Price
  • $300 Patron Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

This weekend retreat is open to practitioners at all levels—tantrikas and newer students—who wish to deepen their meditation practice. Mahamudra, the "great symbol," is among the most profound traditions of vajrayana Buddhism, but it is also extremely simple and direct.

We will use shamatha and vipashyana meditation to look at the mind and sense perceptions, with emphasis on direct personal experience. Acharya John will give an overview talk on Friday evening, and lead the program all day Saturday and Sunday with commentaries and instruction. We will maintain silence during the day, then have open discussion each afternoon.

Participants should begin at the beginning and commit to the entire weekend if possible. The prerequisite for the retreat is Shambhala Training Level One, but any practitioner may attend with the recommendation of a senior Meditation Instructor.

ACHARYA RICHARD JOHN                                       

A senior student of both the Vidyadhara and Sakyong Mipham, Acharya John has for many years taught Shambhala Buddhist programs throughout North America. He completed the first three-year group retreat at Gampo Abbey. A long-time friend of the Ottawa Shambhala Center, Acharya John and his wife Liz live in Halifax, NS.

Heart Gifts

It is customary to offer a monetary Heart Gift to the teacher. Acharyas receive no salary or benefits, and depend upon this income in order to teach for a living. This is completely voluntary according to your inspiration, and there is no suggested amount.