Working with Emotions

01 février—01 mars (2018)

Date details +
  • $110 Program Price
  • $130 Patron Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

Confused, wild emotions can dominate us in obvious and subtle ways. Without suppressing these feelings or acting them out, meditation works with emotions directly. The energy of emotions becomes the basis for developing wisdom and compassion. We begin by experiencing the pain and confusion of the emotions, and look for ways to work with them. Through talks, readings and group work, we will explore the process of working with emotions.

Our Generosity Policy

Offering whatever you are able to offer toward the cost of the program is generosity.
In order to make our programs accessible to everyone, we have a “pay what you can afford” policy. If the program price is an obstacle for you, please decide what works for you and offer whatever you can.
For those who can offer more than the program price, we have a “patron price” of $130.
Your generosity in offering the patron price helps cover the costs for others who are not able to pay the full price.