Peaceful Heart, Brave Society

21 octobre (2017)

Date details +
  • $100 Program Price
  • $125 Patron Price
  • $25 for Students

We have come to a crossroads. We live in a time of great confusion, suffering, and division in society. Many of us feel caught between despair and numbness.At the same time, we have a longing to awaken, to feel, and to help. In our hearts, we possess a natural wisdom that can help us. This wisdom is the key to discovering peace in our minds as well as trust and vision in society. Discovering and revealing it is the path of meditation--a way of simply being, as we are. With trust in ourselves we remember our natural wish to communicate and to share our world with others. Thus the heart is the vessel for our inner journey as well as our social engagement.

In this one day workshop Acharya McLellan will introduce and guide us in Shambhala Meditation, a profound and simple practice of feeling our humanity, being as we are, and touching the depths of our experience. From there we will engage in the practice of society through conversations exploring our experience of living in the challenge and possibilities of our time.

Teacher Acharya Noel McLellan is a second generation practitioner and an acharya, or "honoured teacher" in the Shambhala tradition. He has been practicing meditation for 30 years and is a close student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Noel works at the Shambhala School, teaching young people and helping develop models for enlightened education. He lives in Halifax with his wife Marguerite and their two young children, Gabriel and Esme.