Saka Dawa: Celebrating the Buddha's Enlightenment

June 4th (2023)

Date details +
  • Suggested donation $20

(Notre pratique aura lieu en anglais, mais notre célébration sera bilingue!)

Saka Dawa (Tibetan), also known as Vesak Day, is a major, buddhist holiday which commemorates three major events in the life of Shakyamuni Buddha: his birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana. (Think of it as a combined Xmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter - a pretty big deal!) On this occasion, all are warmly welcomed to commemorate the Buddha's life, Awakening, teaching, and death - and to reconnect with our own paths and inspiration to work with our minds and hearts.

Come to practice together, and share stories of The Path, one's own way to the Dharma, or offerings of music or poetry to lighten and celebrate the occasion! The day will open with a talk and contemplative chants, followed by sitting practice, a potluck lunch, and a final sitting practice.

A donation is always warmly appreciated! This commemoration is open to everyone and anyone of all ages, so please feel welcome to share!