Contentment in Everyday Life

October 1st—October 29th (2019)

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  • $108 Program Price
  • $130 Patron Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

Open to All

Everywhere in our culture we find messages telling us we’re inadequate or not good enough, and that if only we buy this product, or do that diet, we will be truly happy. The Shambhala teachings tell us that we are brilliant and complete as we are.

By letting go of the struggle to be something "better," we can make space for our inherently intelligent, compassionate, and resilient nature to flourish. The
Contentment in Everyday Life course is an experiential training in mindfulness and appreciation. By opening to our natural state of being, we can begin to feel worthiness and contentment with who we are.

Class Topics

In Contentment in Everyday Life, we'll work with the following topics through instruction, meditation, and discussion:

Class 1: Making Friends With Ourselves

Class 2: Resting in the Present Moment

Class 3: Meeting Obstacles with Patience

Class 4: Working With Strong Emotions

Class 5: Celebrating Our Natural Abilities