June 19th (2018)

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  • $75 Program Price
  • Enter another amount you wish to pay.

In the world of iPhones, social media and e-mail, we are all in constant contact. Then why do so many of us feel burned out, distant from colleagues, and abandoned by family and friends? Cutting through all the white noise and superficiality Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche offers simple and practical advice to help us increase our attention spans, become better listeners, and appreciate the people around us.  Learn how to connect genuinely and not be swayed by negative emotions.

Program price: $75 or $20 per class, or another amount you wish to pay.
Material Fee: you may want to buy the book.

The speakers and their topics based on the Sakyong's book will be presented as follows.

June 19  Colin Cordner - Windhorse. Beginning the Conversation: Holding the Space & Feeling It Out.
July 3  Chantal Tremblay - Praise is a gift.  Faire le don d'un compliment.
July 17  Sean Dillon -  Decorum.  It often seems like everything has to have a point.
July 31  Heather Anderson - Discipline Brings Joy. How Discipline Brings Joy in Conversation.
Aug. 14  Lynn MacDonald - Exchange Yourself for Others. The practice of exchanging self for others through conversation leads to a greater and deeper understanding of humanity.
Aug. 28    Naomi de Ville - True Listening. Bring kindness to conversation with true listening. It is a skill we can develop.