Extraordinary Perception: The Practice of Sacred World

20 mars (2014)

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One-Day Program for Shambhala Tantrikas with Acharya Richard John

This one-day practice intensive will introduce a powerful new text by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. The text will be given to students at Sacred World Assembly from now on, it will be the main text for the Shambhala Ritual Academy, and it is the Sakyong’s wish that all Shambhala tantrikas—new and senior--receive it.

This program will include talks by Acharya John, a lung for the text, meditation practice using pith instructions drawn from mahamudra texts and Shambhala Dzokchen by the Sakyong, and a Werma feast.

Participants are encouraged to attend the entire day if possible, beginning at 9:00am. If you are not able to do so, it is imperative for everyone to be present for the lung, at 11:30am. After the text is published by Shambhala Media in April, it will be made available to all tantrikas who have received the lung.