Daoist Qigong Level 4

October 31st—November 1st (2015)

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    In level 4, students continue to receive instruction in the Immortals’ Guide to Self-Massage and Breath Regulation and the Red Phoenix Calisthenics.
    Eva Wong is a 19th generation lineage carrier of the Primordial Limitless Gate School of Taoism. The student of Sun Di, she is also a 3rd generation lineage descendant of Wang Xiangzhai. She is an independent scholar who has written and translated many books on Taoism and related topics, including “Nourishing The Essence of Life: The Outer, Inner, and Secret Teachings of Taoism”, “A Master Course in Feng Shui”, and “The Tao of Health, Longevity, and Immortality”.

    Prerequisite: Daoist Qigong Level 3

    You must attend all sessions. Partial attendance will not be counted as having completed the level.

    Cost:  $195 (first time), $95 (if repeating this level)